Within the Nashville Web Hosting Control Panel, you will find a helpful tool that will allow you to use a completely new PHP framework within seconds. The Frameworks Installer tool completes the entire task for you, hence reduces the need for you to obtain, install and then also configure your framework before starting the project. You’re all set to start off your framework dependent project quickly, with no effort.

Diverse frameworks on hand

Commence your web projects with a framework

There are various PHP frameworks online which are fighting to offer the top platform for your personal websites. Nashville Web Hosting’s PHP Framework Installer has some of the more preferred and widespread PHP frameworks: CakePHP, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Zend, Symfony, and YII.

Each of these frameworks may be integrated with a click and it’s modified to the latest stable release constantly.

Various PHP frameworks available

1–click PHP framework set up

Your personal PHP framework is simply a mouse click away

The PHP Framework Installer was made to run on the same basic principle as our App Installer – using very little effort needed from you and the system executing the hard work for you. PHP frameworks are set up with merely a couple of mouse clicks with no configuration demanded from you. Everything you should do is pick the place of your PHP framework. That’s all.

We maintain a log of the running PHP frameworks and you’re able to un–install each individual PHP framework you don’t require with merely a click of the mouse.

1-click PHP framework installation

1–click backup

The fastest technique to back up a framework

Every solid developer knows that it is very important to possess a backup of one’s project to rely on in the case of a difficulty. This is the reason, we, at Nashville Web Hosting, included a 1–click backup instrument in our PHP Framework Installer. It helps you to back up your current framework including all transformations you’ve made, with merely a click of the mouse.

There isn’t a backup limit. Provided you have free disk space inside your account, you can make as many backups as you would like.

1-click backup