InnoDB is a popular storage engine for the MySQL DBMS. It is an alternative to the default MyISAM engine and it has lots of advantages that make it the engine of choice for plenty of PHP script-based apps, among them Joomla and Magento, which have switched to InnoDB permanently. For example, adding large volumes of data will be faster with InnoDB, as it locks only a single row to perform an operation, not the entire database table, which makes the engine perfect for scalable apps. It also supports foreign keys and transactions – these refer to the way in which the info is treated. Simply put, appending new or editing existent data will either be entirely completed, or will be annulled and the operation will be rolled back in case any issue shows up in the meantime, thus the content that remains in the database will not be lost.

InnoDB in Shared Web Hosting

Every PHP script-driven software app that needs InnoDB will run impeccably on our innovative cloud website hosting platform and the storage engine is offered with all our shared web hosting packages. Each time you create a database manually or our app installer tool creates one automatically and an app installation process is initiated, the engine that the database in question will make use of will be selected based on the app’s requirements without the need to change any setting in your account. InnoDB will be selected automatically for any app that requires this particular engine and you’ll be able to make the most of its full potential. We’ll generate regular content backups, so in case you accidentally remove a database that you need or you overwrite some part of it, we will be able to restore your database the way it was only several hours earlier.