Memcached is an object caching system, which is used to optimize the loading speed of database-driven sites by caching the requests and the responses between the user and the server. In other words, anytime a certain web page on such a site is visited, the script calls its database to request the info that should be shown to the visitor. In case the latter clicks on a link to go to some other page, the entire process is carried out again and this generates multiple database queries and excessive server load, even more so if the site has lots of simultaneous visitors. Memcached "memorizes" this information exchange, so if any of these web pages is requested again, the script no longer needs to extract any info from the database, as everything is delivered by the caching platform. Thus, the overall speed of your website will "soar" and you will have more satisfied visitors and they will be able to surf through your website much faster. In addition, Memcached updates its cache every time any information in the database is altered, so the site visitors will never see old data.

Memcached in Shared Web Hosting

The Memcached data caching system is offered as an optional upgrade with every shared web hosting offered by our company and you can start using it as soon as you add it, as the extension that it requires in order to perform properly is already present on our innovative cloud web hosting platform. You can request the upgrade from the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which comes with each web hosting package and a brand-new Control Panel section where you can manage Memcached will show up. The upgrade is subdivided into two parts – the instances and the amount of system memory, so as to give you more flexibility. The first one shows the number of the sites that can use Memcached, whereas the second one, which comes in increments of 16 MB, specifies the maximum size of the content that the system can cache. A regularly visited site with a large-size database may require more memory in order to take an even bigger advantage of Memcached, so in case you wish to upgrade this feature, you’ll be able to do it at any given point with several clicks.