An email filter is a software app that prevents undesired messages from reaching a particular inbox. An enormous percentage of the email communication around the world involves spam email messages: offers for pills or cash, sham banking notifications, and so on. Because of this, it’s really important to enable filters in order to avoid not only unsolicited bulk email messages, but also any chance of being swindled in some way. Email filters detect various things, so as to provide better safety – particular words and phrases or the frequency with which they surface in the text, the sender’s email address, or the IP address of the sender’s outbound email server. Web hosting companies often rely on the services of third-party spam-tracking organizations that offer up-to-date databases in order to make spam filtering simpler and more efficient without affecting genuine email messages, even if they comprise suspicious words.

Spam Filters in Shared Web Hosting

Our shared web hosting servers rely on one of the very best spam filters out there. It is called SpamAssassin and is offered with each shared hosting plan, so if you host your domain names with our company, you can opt for one of the 5 protection levels that the filter offers for any mailbox that you’ve got here. You can do this with just two clicks from the Email Manager section of the Hepsia Control Panel that is used to manage all shared accounts. SpamAssassin analyzes the header field and the body of each email, gives it a spam score and then proceeds on the basis of the level that you’ve selected. Each email account can have a different setting and you can select if the emails that the anti-spam filter considers as spam should be deleted or delivered to another email account where you can examine them at a later time, so as to prevent deleting an authentic email. Switching to some other level or deactivating the protection is also remarkably easy.